November 10, 2010

Post Against Posting

I've realized that I don't usually enjoy writing these posts. Of course I have some moments where I get really motivated to write something but once I think about putting it all together it just becomes boring. Once I see that something can be done I'm ready to move on.. ugh.

Anyway, I'm sitting in a coffee shop in Hendersonville, NC chatting with some friends. I started this trip with the impression that it would be a short/small one but who knows. I only had a few dollars to my name when I left Carrollton and here I'm already bringing in a few hundred dollars, days later. I never know where my money is coming from or how much im getting paid b/c everything job-to-job. I hope I keep making money and I can keep traveling! I've been working on a resume and I would like to get a part-time job at REI to help me get things paid off and back to square one. I have plans! Those plans cost money, but I also have ideas! These ideas make money, so hopefully I can work it out for the best.

It's SO GREAT to be back on the road again. I feel like I have things better organized or whatever since I've done it before. I do need to get another bike rack so I can take the bike out of the inside of the Xterra and put it on top; I need more room inside to sleep!

I guess I'm done with this post. I'm going to watch all the old people in this town eat ice cream and ride my bike around. I'll try to be better about posting.. not only that but posting interesting stuff as well.

Oh! Yesterday me and my host went to check out these 4 big waterfalls and I fell in! Luckily I didn't fall 50 feet down the waterfall but I did get soaked and drowned my phone. I have to find a Verizon and get a new phone today sometime. The waterfalls were amazing though and it was fun swimming for a few seconds =)

** By the way, the Yellow markers on the map to the right --> are for this current trip, starting in Hendersonville, NC. **

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