I really like Boone so far, it does seem like everyone knows everyone and it's a bit difficult to penetrate the clicks around here but the town is nice and there's plenty to do nearby while you're working on that. I've been riding my mountain bike everyday and have rarely driven my car, saving that gas! Ryan works downtown at the ski shop so I'll ride down there and aggravate him some and grab lunch most days. I think we're eating at this Thai place tonight? Hope so!
My friend Chelsea invented Skype Sundays yesterday, so that could potentially become a weekly thing, lol. It was nice to chat with someone that I know though, I've been a bit lonely the last few days not knowing anyone up here and Ryan works during the day usually. Here he is waxing some skis @ Farmers Ski Shop (their facebook page)
I did take some pictures of a few jeeps from this place called RubiTrux, they have some amazing modified jeeps! I guess they buy them from the Jeep dealership, fix them up however they want, and then sell them for a higher price? They look awesome and solid as a rock, I would LOVE to have one! Specifically the black 4-door one.
In other news my ears have been ringing for about 7 days now and I have no idea why. I went to the doctor in Asheville, and he said the inside of my ears looked fine, no wax or fluid or anything. I'm taking Amoxicillin and Prednison right now, I'm hoping it is a small infection but I don't feel like it is. It's worrying me quite a bit though... what if it never stops? We'll see what happens in the next week or so.