Last night when Kevin got off work we went bowling at possibly the shittest alley either of us have seen (in a Best Western). And we sucked it up pretty bad bowling too. We met a couple from Atlanta/Chatt and invited them to come hang but they had a 12-pack they were going to spend some time with up in their hotel room.
After that we went to Maswick('s) bar and met up with some friend Kevin knew and I'd just met. This one guy named John D., appropriately known as "John Mother F*cking D!" was a trip! He was about 5'8" built like a diesel truck and as outgoing as anyone I've met. He stole my camera and took random pictures claiming "the guy with the nice camera never has pictures of themselves", which is def. true.
So this guy Andy from Philly (originally Ecuador, on the right) was visiting his sister here and last night was his last. I got invited to ride to Flagstaff to drop him off at the greyhound and what better to do than just that? On the way there we saw the biggest Elk,Elephant,Deer,Mule thing I've ever seen. I don't know what it was but the horns were easily as wide as the car and it was probably 6 foot tall. Anyway, we hit up Walmart and IHOP while in Flag then got back to Grand Canyon Village at 5:12 this morning. I've been sleeping every since haha.
Oh I wanted to show you guys how big the deer are here in the park. I've seen a twelve point and a sixteen point within a span of two days. I've probably seen 10-12 deer total throughout the entire park. Check out the rack on this monster!
Proofread goober :)